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At a Brussels-Alumni-Event (16 June 2015, Belgian Embassy in Brussels), the Belgian Minister of Finance Johan Van Overtfeldt (Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie, separatist/national-conservative Flemish Party) held a short talk. He spoke about an informal meeting with his German colleague Wolfgang Schäuble. Of course, everything informal nowadays is on Greece. The Belgian Minister said he had pointed out to mister Schäuble that the crisis was the chance to carry the European integration to the next level and rectify some important shortcomings of the monetary union. After being asked directly, he admitted that the social situation in Greece was a »drama«. Nevertheless the next steps for him are (neoliberal) reforms – which the Greek government refuses for the time being.

Of course, things like this are made to be put on social networks ...

Twitter: #BRUinBER | Bildschirmdruck: dia-eu